Saturday 12 May 2018

What is bounce rate?

I know many of you failed to answer this question. Actually the word “bounce rate” comes with search engine optimization.

When we talk about on-page SEO factor this is the most concern factor. As well as bounce rate plays a crucial role for better search engine ranking. Which shows how much value gave to the visitor from each website.

When your website visitors spend a long time by reading blog posts, your website bounce rate definitely going reduced. If your website visitors leave you quickly, which helps to increase your bounce rate. You must always try to reduce bounce rate by 40% because the good bounce rate means under 40%.

You must first concern when driving traffic to your website. If you drive a lot of traffic from Facebook, Twitter or other social media sites, which can help to increase bounce rate. Facebook or other social media users don’t want to read your blog posts. You are the person who drives them to your website by posting in pages and groups.

You should always try to get more visitors from search engines. Why I am saying because people who come to your website from google they actually need to know or seek information from your website. To get more search engine visitors, you have to write long blog posts with concerning SEO.
Don’t try fake traffic driving methods. They are very harmful to search engine rankings and bounce rate. As well as remove unusual plugins and widgets on your website. These plugins help to increase your website load time and bounce rate as well.

Remove unusual ads on your site. Pop under ads and redirects ads not good for your readers. Sometimes they will leave you very short time and many users don’t want to see your ads. Always use niche relevant advertisements.

Keep writing long blog posts and interlinking them each other. Interlinking helps to keep your readers for a long time. They read your past articles more and more. Which mean you are getting low bounces. As well as include pictures and videos in your blog posts. These tricks and tips definitely help to keep your readers with your blog. Always do user-friendly works.

Don’t forget to write valuable contents. Writing long article has big value and short contents don’t have any future.

Bounce rate is a search engine ranking factor and bloggers must concern about this factor. Try to reduce it as soon as you can. This shows how better your blog for readers and how your traffic tells about your blog. Always remind to get search engine traffic.


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